Query binding
The binding system lies at the heart of all sqlbunny queries. It is in charge of converting SQL rows into Go structs.
It matches SQL columns to Go struct fields, and copies their values over.
Binding behavior is controlled by the bunny
struct tag.
Field binds
To bind a field to an SQL column, specify its SQL column name in the bunny
tag. Fields without a bunny
tag are never bound.
SQL-to-Go conversion is done using the same rules as sql.Rows.Scan()
. In a nutshell, it means destination types should be either supported directly by the SQL driver, or implement sql.Scanner
type MyStruct struct {
Foo int `bunny:"foo"`
Bar string `bunny:"bar"`
Ignored string
var v MyStruct
err = queries.Raw("SELECT 1 AS foo, 'fun' AS bar, 'hello' AS ignored").Bind(ctx, &v)
// v contains foo=1, bar="fun", and ignored=""
Recursive binds
If the ",bind" option is specified on a field of struct type, binding will recurse into it to look for fields for binding. "name" is added as a prefix to the SQL column names of the inner fields.
type Bar struct {
One int `bunny:"one"`
Two int `bunny:"two"`
type MyStruct struct {
Foo int `bunny:"foo"`
Bar Bar `bunny:"bar__,bind"`
var v MyStruct
err = queries.Raw("SELECT 1 AS foo, 2 AS bar__one, 3 as bar__two").Bind(ctx, &v)
// v contains foo=1, bar={ one=2, two=3 }
Bind to a custom struct to read the results of an aggregation.
type BooksByYear struct {
Year int `bunny:"year"`
Count int `bunny:"count"`
var years []BooksByYear
err = models.Books(
qm.Select("year", "count(*) AS count"),
qm.OrderBy("year ASC"),
).Bind(ctx, &years)
Binding to a custom "join struct" can be handy for receiving the results of a join.
type BookAndAuthor struct {
models.Author `bunny:"author.,bind"`
models.Book `bunny:"book.,bind"`
var res []BookAndAuthor
err = models.Authors(
"author.id", "author.name",
"book.id", "book.author_id", "book.title", "book.year",
qm.InnerJoin("book ON book.author_id = author.id"),
).Bind(ctx, &res)
// This wil execute the following query:
// "author"."id" as "author.id", "author"."name" as "author.name",
// "book"."id" as "book.id", "book"."author_id" as "book.author_id", "book"."title" as "book.title", "book"."year" as "book.year"
// FROM "author"
// INNER JOIN book ON book.author_id = author.id;
Extending models
Recursive binding with empty prefix can be used to "extend" a model query with an extra computed column.
You simply define your own struct extending Author
, and bind to it. Since Author
is recursively bound with empty prefix, all the Author
type AuthorWithCount struct {
models.Author `bunny:",bind"`
BookCount int `bunny:"book_count"`
var authors []AuthorWithCount
err = models.Authors(
qm.Select("*", "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM book WHERE book.author_id = author.id) AS book_count"),
).Bind(ctx, &authors)
This gives us all the authors with their respective book counts!