
To run a query, you have to start it, specify some query mods, and then execute the desired action using one of the available finishers.


Starter methods are generated for each model, named after the plural. For example, models.Books().

models.Books(qm.Where("id=?", 5)).All(ctx)

You can also use models.NewQuery(). This allows you to specify the table name yourself, to do more advanced queries. Queries created this way can't use finishers that return model instances (such as All and One).

    qm.Where("id=?", 5)
).Bind(ctx, &objs)

Query mods


Select can be used to specify which columns to select.

Select("id", "name")


From specifies from which table to select. It can be used to give an alias to the table, to help with complex queries.

From("book AS b")

Where, WhereIn

Where specifies a condition used to filter rows in the WHERE clause. Multiple Where mods in the same query will be ANDed together.

Where("name=?", "Daniel")
Where("name=? OR name=?", "Daniel", "John")
Where("age >= ? AND age <= ?", 18, 24)

WhereIn generates a WHERE ... IN (...) clause. It is helpful to deal with variable length conditions, because the ? is expanded to the correct number of placeholders.

WhereIn("weight in ?", 84)
WhereIn("height in ?", 183, 177, 204)
WhereIn("name, age in ?", "John", 24, "Tim", 33) // Generates: WHERE ("name","age") IN (($1,$2),($3,$4))

Limit, Offset

Limit and Offset set the SQL LIMIT and OFFSET clause.

Limit(25), Offset(100),


OrderBy("age, height")
OrderBy("age DESC, height ASC")
OrderBy("user_id ASC NULLS FIRST")


GroupBy("age, gender")


Having("COUNT(*) > ?", 10)


For sets the SQL FOR clause, using for controlling locking behavior in transactions.

For("update nowait")


InnerJoin("user u ON u.id = p.user_id")
InnerJoin("post p ON p.user_id = u.id AND p.type = ?", models.PostTypes.Story)


Load eagerly loads the models in the referred relationships. See Eager loading.


SQL overrides the entire SQL query. When present, all other query mods will be ignored.

models.Books(qm.SQL("SELECT * FROM book WHERE id=$1", 1234))


All finishers take as a first argument a context.Context instance. This context must contain a reference to the DB to use, using bunny.ContextWithDB.


Returns all the matched rows in a slice. If no rows match, an empty slice is returned (it's not an error).

books, err = models.Books(
    qm.Where("genre = ?", models.BookGenres.Fiction),


Returns one matched row. If no rows match, sql.ErrNoRows is returned. If more than one row matches, bunny.ErrMultipleRows is returned.

books, err = models.Books(
    qm.Where("title = ?", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"),


Returns the first matched row. If no rows match, sql.ErrNoRows is returned. If more than one row matches, the first row is returned (and no error is returned). The first row is defined by the query order, so if you do care about it, do specify qm.OrderBy.

It is recommended to use One instead, unless you specifically want to tolerate multiple rows.

books, err = models.Books(
    qm.Where("title = ?", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"),


Returns the integer count of rows matching the mods.

count, err = models.Books(
    qm.Where("genre = ?", models.BookGenres.Fiction),


Returns a boolean specifying whether at least one row exists that matches the mods.

exists, err = models.Books(
    qm.Where("title = ?", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"),


Updates all rows matching the mods with the specified field values.

err := models.Users(
    qm.Where("age >= ?", 18),
).UpdateMapAll(ctx, models.M{"is_legal_age": true})


Deletes all rows matching the mods.

err := models.Users(
    qm.Where("age >= ?", 18),


Executes the query, binding the result to the given struct or slice. See binding for more info.

Query, QueryRow, Exec

Executes the query and returns the raw SQL result. These functions simply mirror thir sql.DB counterparts.

Model functions


Convenience function to fetch a model instance by its primary key. Returns sql.ErrNoRows if not found.

user, err := models.FindUser(ctx, 12) // Finds the user with ID 12 

// Equivalent to:
user, err := models.Users(qm.Where("id=?", 12)).One()


Convenience function to check if a model with the given primary key exists.

exists, err := models.UserExists(ctx, 12) // Does the user with ID 12 exist?

// Equivalent to:
exists, err := models.Users(qm.Where("id=?", 12)).Exists()


Insert inserts a model instance to the database.

book := &models.Book{
    ID:        "574389527",
    Name:      "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
    CreatedAt: time.Now(),
err = book.Insert(ctx)

You can explicitly specify a list of columns to be inserted. If not set, all the model columns will be inserted.

book := &models.Book{
    ID:        "574389527",
    CreatedAt: time.Now(),
err = book.Insert(ctx,


Update updates a model instance in the database.

book.Name = "SuperNiceBook"
err = book.Update(ctx)

You can explicitly specify a list of columns to be updated. If not set, all non-primary-key columns will be updated.

book.Name = "SuperNiceBook"
err = book.Update(ctx,


Deletes the model from the database.

err = book.Delete(ctx)


If changes happen in the database and the data in the Go struct becomes outdated, you can reload it from the database using Reload.

err = book.Reload(ctx)

Slice functions


Updates all rows matching the mods with the specified field values.

err = users.UpdateMapAll(ctx, models.M{"is_legal_age": true})


Reloads all the model instances in the slice from the database.

err = users.ReloadAll(ctx)


Deletes all the objects in the slice.

err = users.DeleteAll(ctx)